Welcome to the {SFI} NOLF2 Division!

With over 5 years of Online Gaming experience, SFI (Star Fleet Intelligence) clan was
founded in November of 2001 by Eliteone, centering around the game Elite Force. It has
since expanded into EliteForce2,  Jedi Academy, Call of Duty 2,  CounterStrike Source,  Guild Wars and FEAR.  SFI is currently the longest running NOLF 2 clan still in existence  with a founding date of April 2003.

We frequently expand into the games out members would like to play and all members of the SFI
community have an input on gaming expansions. SFI expanded into the NOLF community
with the same sense of comradeship, ideals and principles that we apply to every SFI

All SFI Divisions are led by Senior SFI members. The NOLF Division was founded by Eliteone and is currently run by Belladonna along with Spacko. Our members hail from all parts of
the world. Each person has a say in how things are handled at SFI, all
they need to do is voice their view and it will be discussed openly.

SFI NOLF is a clan founded on principles and we ask our members to behave in a respectful
manner at all times. Cheating, profanity, harassment or insulting of others is not permitted.
We desire to be a clan that people can respect and admire not only for our playing skills, but
also for our ability to handle difficult situations in a calm and rational manner.

SFI Clan actively supports the gaming communities for all the games it plays by providing public servers that run on 24/7 dedicated servers.

For NOLF 2, we currently run two 24/7 NOLF2
servers (Deathmatch and Doomsday). These public servers, made possible due to donations from generous nolfers through PayPal or via snail mail to Belladonna,
The bookable servers can be booked by other clans for practices and matches (SFI gladly assists fellow clans, whom we consider as colleagues in the gaming communities).

Anyone interested in joining a clan that concentrates on playing the game in a friendly
manner is invited to apply in the Recruiting section of the SFI forums

©2002,2003 Monolith Productions, Inc. ©2002 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Fox Interactive, 2003 Monolith
Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. Contract J.A.C.K. and Cate Archer are trademarks of Monolith Productions, Inc.
Development by Monolith Productions, Inc. Sierra and the Sierra logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sierra
Entertainment, Inc. No One Lives Forever,©2002,2003 Monolith Productions, Inc. ©2002 Twentieth Century Fox Film
Corporation. Fox Interactive, 2003 Monolith Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. Contract J.A.C.K. and Cate Archer are
trademarks of Monolith Productions, Inc. Development by Monolith Productions, Inc. Sierra and the Sierra logo are
registered trademarks or trademarks of Sierra Entertainment, Inc. No One Lives Forever,